Past Work

by Andreu Murgadella Mira

Line Editing

“In a fantasy city that runs on vice, tax policy is a dangerous game.”

Originally published in Spanish, I worked to revive the author’s voice and make all the clever puns work once again in the English translation.

Tidecaller Chronicles

by Levi Jacobs

Developmental Editing

“Aletheia was born a heresy: a girl with a man’s magic, in a city where monks and witches are mortal enemies.”

I worked with the author on the first two books of the series, finding emerging themes, building the inner lives of the characters, and tying worldbuilding into those thematic and character moments.

The Amber Menhir

by Jonathan N Pruitt

Developmental and Line Editing

Calamity draws closer - and with it the end of the world. Humanity's only hope rests in the menhirs, towering bastions of scholarship and imagination which cast dark shadows across the lands.

Jon and I worked on several drafts together finding and refining his narrative voice, ensuring his distinct characters had a chance to shine, and smoothing out the plot in what ultimately became a real page-turner.

The Black Hand

The Book of Briars

by C.J. Bernstein

Developmental Editing

“Alistair Mead only remembers one thing from the year she went missing as a child: A series of books that don’t exist. After years of searching, she stumbles on a clue that proves the books were real but were somehow erased from existence.”

After working with the author on prior retellings of the AR RPG they used to build their fanbase, this first standalone book in world presented the unique challenge of balancing fan service, lore, and accessibility.

When Color Became Grey

by A.C. Lorenzen

Line Editing

“After her unexpected death, Ameerah is sentenced to several decades as a ghost in a parallel world populated with demons she is tasked with fighting.”

I was able to cut through the weeds for the author, slashing the word count and helping them get out of their own way in telling their story.