Book Coaching

  • Sounding Board. Cheerleader. Gentle Deadline.

    Sometimes you just need to talk it through. One-on-one book coaching is the custom solution to all of your editorial needs. Consider it a private and personalized creative writing workshop.

    During one hour sessions we discuss your work, diving into some of the nitty gritties, and come up with a plan to keep you moving forward no matter what stage your project is currently in.

    Regular bi-weekly, or monthly meetings are often most helpful, but I will work with you to find the best solution to accommodate your schedule and budget.

Creative Editing

  • Manuscript Assessment.

    Don’t know where to begin?

    Start here with a professional look at your manuscript with recommendations for editing work to fit your needs, schedule, and budget.

  • Editorial Assessment.

    An editorial assessment offers strong guideposts for an author moving into a significant round of revision and editing without a deep dive into sections of the novel that may end up rewritten or removed entirely.

    It includes several pages of broad strokes notes focusing on character, plot, theme, audience, tone, and any other areas that require attention.

  • Developmental Editing.

    Ready to dive in deeper? With a Developmental Edit authors receive page by page notes that focus on both the big picture (as in the editorial assessment) and micro issues in individual chapters and scenes.

    Notes are delivered all at once or on a rolling basis depending on what works best for the project.

Copy Editing

  • Basic Copy.

    Ensures that prose adheres to a consistent style and general best practices. This includes consistency in spelling and punctuation, clarification of unintentionally ambiguous pronouns, and other similar aspects to ensure a professional shine and polish.

  • Line Editing.

    Includes all of the aspects of a basic copy edit, but also small rewrites to enhance clarity and pacing.

    For stories that include significant worldbuilding, this service includes a customized style guide specifying which in world words should be capitalized, their plural form, and other similar grammatical nuances.